Kanal D Drama is set to premiere the medical drama Hekimoglu, dubbed in Spanish, on November 16 for the U.S. Hispanic audience.
Hekimoglu, adapted from the U.S. series House, follows the gruff and antisocial doctor Ateş Hekimoglu, who leads a team of young doctors and works to solve puzzling medical cases. It will be available for streaming via Kanal D Drama’s app.
The series will also air Monday through Friday at 8:20 p.m. EST via Xfinity and Verizon FiOS.
“Audiences have always had a thing for medical dramas on television for decades, and now more than ever in a post-pandemic era,” said Francheska León de la Barra, marketing director for Kanal D Drama in the U.S. and Latin America. “In this series, the main character, inspired by the award-winning medical drama House, plays a sarcastic and antisocial doctor. Dr. Hekimoglu, while unlikeable, is a genius, and he develops a great reputation for solving the most perplexing medical cases. I’m sure this captivating drama will resonate with the Hispanic audience from the first episode.”