Gaumont Developing New Spanish-Language Drama

Gaumont is developing a new Spanish-language drama series tentatively titled Los Últimos Análogos, created by Max Zunino (Tijuana, Los Bañistas) and Hari Sama (Sunka Raku: Alegría Evanescente, El sueño de Lu).

Zunino and Sama—the award-winning team behind the festival favorite This Is Not Berlin—will co-write the series, which chronicles the peak of the “Rock en Español” movement during the turbulent mid-’90s in Mexico City. Sama is attached to direct the series.

Christian Gabela, Gaumont’s senior VP, creative executive, head of Latin American and Spain, said: “In their acclaimed film This Is Not Berlin, Hari and Max showcased their ability to craft a compelling and personal coming-of-age story set in the authentically depicted the underground music scene of CDMX in the 1980s. This, coupled with the fact that they each experienced their own personal journeys as musicians and artists, provides us with confidence in the opportunity for Los Últimos Análogos to be an original, genuine, and entertaining story of adolescent life in the burgeoning rock scene of 1990s CDMX.”

Los Últimos Análogos is a personal and joyous journey to a time that I lived intensely and was surrounded by music, yet it also allows me to perform an urgent revision of issues like homophobia, sexism, my own addiction to drugs, and how our search for happiness is driving us crazy,” commented Sama.

Los Últimos Análogos represents an explosive and melancholic stamp on the ’90s, the time of my own coming of age; and incidentally, it serves as a personal exploration that helps me follow the footprints of my past and those of my generation,” added Zunino.