TVNZ to Close Youth Channel


AUCKLAND: TVNZ is planning to close its youth channel TVNZ U as of August 31, replacing it with a time-shifted version of TV2.

The network has been operating at a loss for around two years. The plans are to replace TVNZ U with TV2+1 as of September 1. The new service will be an exact duplicate of TV2, with programming shifted by one hour.

Kevin Kenrick, TVNZ’s chief executive, said, “Despite our best efforts, we’ve not been able to make it work financially.”

“As it is, the channel is a very lean operation and no significant savings can be made to address the shortfall.”

“The team who worked on U have done a tremendous job. And we’ve picked up some valuable expertise along the way, particularly in the way we use live TV and social media to connect with audiences.”

Kenrick added, “The plus-one version will give TV2 viewers another chance to watch their favorite programs on the country’s most commercially successful channel.”

Time-shifted TV is popular with viewers, he said. “Viewers love to call the shots and watch programs in more ways. With the launch of TV ONE +1 and the explosion of TVNZ Ondemand’s popularity in the last year, we’ve seen our viewers seize the opportunity to exercise greater choice and control over their viewing options. Our audiences are growing as a result.”