Towers to Produce New Reality TV Series

CHICAGO, April 22: Towers
Productions is developing a new half-hour reality TV series, It Takes a
, featuring Betsy Hart, a
syndicated columnist and talk radio host.

It Takes a Parent will be based around Hart's Chicago radio show of
the same name where she talks to families about the battles they are facing in
their children's lives. It Takes a Parent will follow Hart from her radio studio into the homes of real
families, where she will wade into conflict in her bid to help parents
"get their kids back." Hart will cover hot-button topics such as
kids’ right to privacy, corporal punishment and Internet pornography, among

A single mother of four
young children, Hart is the author of the book It Takes a Parent: How the
Culture of Pushover Parenting is Hurting Our Kids—And What to do About It
, and her column From the Hart is syndicated nationally through the Scripps
Howard News Service. She appears frequently on television and radio.

William Fisher, the CEO of
Towers Productions, said: "Betsy is a font of old-fashioned wisdom and a
lightning rod for conflict with New Age thinking. Putting her together with
fawning parents and coddled children in front of a camera represents reality
television at its finest."

—By Irene Lew