Sundance Takes Green Programming, Canadian Anthology Series

NEW YORK, October 24:
Sundance Channel has picked up the Canadian short-film anthology The Art of
for broadcast on its
website, and has announced two new programming initiatives for its GREEN block, due to launch next year, devoted to
environmental issues.

The Art of Seduction is
an anthology of short films about seduction, featuring the work of ten Canadian
filmmakers. Each week one of the ten two-minute pieces will premiere
simultaneously on and exclusively for mobile via Helio,
beginning with Guy Maddin's Nude Caboose on October 30. The series was acquired from marblemedia
in Toronto. "This is the first time Sundance Channel has acquired
programming that will debut on digital platforms," said Sundance Channel’s
VP of digital media and business strategy, Christopher Barry. "Premiering
these films on our website and via our mobile partner, Helio, reflects our
commitment to seek original content that can be distributed across multiple
digital platforms."

For its new GREEN
prime-time programming destination, slated to launch early next year, Sundance
has commissioned Scout Productions, the producers of Queer Eye for the
Straight Guy
, to create a 13-part series on new environmental
initiatives. Tentatively titled Change Agents,
the documentary looks at the designers, products and processes on the front
lines of the environmental movement.

In addition to this original series, the three-hour
Sundance Channel GREEN block will include
documentary film premieres and interstitial pieces about the earth's ecology,
concepts of green living and pieces on celebrity activists and environmental
advocates. The channel today announced the acquisition from the BBC of Its
Not Easy Being Green
. The 8×30-minute series follows a British
family of four as they turn their backs on suburban life to create a completely
green yet modern household in the country.