Star Trek App Launches Today


SAN FRANCISCO: CBS Interactive today unveiled Star Trek Padd, an iPad app, available in some 120 territories, offering up an interactive database for the classic series.

Available for $4.99 in the App Store, Star Trek Padd was developed in conjunction with CBS Mobile by ArcTouch. It offers up info on characters, planets and technology spanning from Star Trek: The Original Series all the way through to Star Trek: Enterprise. The app’s interface is a reproduction of the LCARS fictional computer operating system depicted in the show. The app also offers a recognizable computer voice as well as familiar Star Trek-related sounds.
"Star Trek fans are passionately involved with all things Star Trek," said Rob Gelick, senior VP and general manager of CBS Mobile. "The Star Trek Padd app lets die-hard fans and casual enthusiasts use the authentic LCARS interface to access the extensive official Star Trek database, and easily connect with other Trekkers. We expect that the app will also introduce the show to a new generation of fans, leveraging 21st century technology to provide a glimpse into the 24th century."