RDE Receives Infusion of Capital

ANGELES, October 10: Male-focused, on-demand television provider Ripe Digital
Entertainment (RDE) has received $32 million in financing from Hearst-Argyle,
Time Warner Investments, Columbia Capital and Rho Ventures.

says it plans to use the infusion of capital to launch additional on-demand
television services, implement its broadband and mobile strategy and accelerate
program development.

states that its mission is to monetize digital content and develop video that
viewers are able to watch over many platforms, including television, broadband,
and mobile devices. The Company's business model calls for the implementation
of new forms of advertising into its programming.

date, RDE has launched RipeTV and OctaneTV, and secured advertising from such
companies as Dodge, Cingular, Procter & Gamble and Warner Bros. It claims
distribution to over 30 million VOD subscribers in Time Warner and Comcast