Peace Arch Taps Industry Veteran Sagansky for Board of Directors

TORONTO, September 10: Jeff Sagansky, a former top executive
at Paxson, CBS and Sony, has been named the co-chairman of the board of directors
for Peace Arch Entertainment Group.

Sagansky will serve alongside Peace Arch’s former chairman,
and now co-chairman, Drew Craig, to contribute significant financial and
entertainment expertise, providing support in the execution of Peace Arch’s
high-growth business model.

In 2005, Sagansky and Craig, along with Kerry McCluggage,
made a significant investment in Peace Arch, becoming large individual
shareholders in the company. Sagansky has since worked with the board and
management of Peace Arch, which has experienced a ten-fold increase in market
value since his group’s investment.

An industry veteran, Sagansky has held positions as CEO of
CBS Entertainment, co-president of Sony Pictures Entertainment, president of
TriStar Pictures, senior VP of programming at NBC and CEO of Paxson