Pan Am Promo to Recreate First-Class Flight Experience


BURBANK: To promote the upcoming launch of ABC’s Pan Am, select malls across the U.S. will be featuring a special booth that recreates a first-class cabin from a 1960s-inspired Pan Am plane.

Starting August 26, four malls across the U.S. will feature the special Pan Am booth, which premiered at San Diego’s Comic-Con in July and attracted thousands of fans. The booth will give its "passengers" a flight time and a board pass. Once they check in, they’ll get to watch a preview of the new ABC series and receive Pan Am bags. Brand ambassadors dressed in Pan Am stewardess uniforms will be assisting with each flight. Participating malls are located in Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia.

The tour culminates with a special day-long even in New York City’s Time Square on September 23. The series premieres on ABC on September 25.