Moving Pictures Signs Deals in 12 Territories


LOS ANGELES: Moving Pictures Film and Television has inked deals in 12 territories, including Germany and Japan, on titles such as The Open Door and Noble Things.

Germany’s I-ON New Media and Japan’s Tank picked up The Open Door. Mega Castle International went for The Open Door as well as Noble Things for Taiwan. Germany’s Tiberius snapped up Deadfall Trail and Infection. Vision Plus Entertainment took six films for Malaysia/Brunei. Mercury International in France snapped up Aryan Couple, while Bowline BV in Czech Republic/Slovenia acquired Deadwater and Invincible Pictures of North America took a package of 100 titles.

Moving Pictures also sold a number of TV series. Mysteries went to Noisy Planet of the U.K., Genesis of Sport was picked up by Red Bull/Servus TV for Germany/Austria, The MEN7 Show was picked up by Multimedia Bank of Poland and Billionaires Car Club went to Pyramid of the Middle East.