MIPTV Spotlight: AFL Productions

CANNES: The historical miniseries Curse of the Diamonds, one of AFL Productions’s drama highlights at MIPTV, is based on a true story involving Russia, the U.K. and the U.S.

Yuri Volodarsky, the head of development and distribution at AFL Productions, says the title is “brimming with intrigue, action and mystery.” AFL’s drama slate also features short films directed by Ilya Rozhkov, including We Are Enemies and Sabre Dance. Other highlights are hits from the Gags Network such as the hidden-camera show with an erotic twist Naked & Funny. “We are currently actively seeking co-production partners and format [licensees] for Naked & Funny,” Volodarsky says. He adds that “AFL is looking for co-production partners to produce two full-feature sequels about soccer and hockey.”

Volodarsky says, “Our main goal for 2016’s market isn’t too different from previous ones: Sell! Sell! Sell!”