MIPCOM Spotlight: Trinity Broadcasting Networks


Trinity Broadcasting Networks (TBN) offers faith-based inspirational content catering to multigenerational and multicultural audiences.

Lead titles include One Night with the King, a romantic drama. Shayna Smith, VP of content distribution, calls it a “visually stunning film with a compelling storyline that speaks to people of many faiths.” This film was theatrically released years ago “but still speaks to audiences around the world and is one of our most popular,” Smith adds.

Route 60: The Biblical Highway had a wide U.S. theatrical release on over 1,100 screens last year. The movie highlights Israel’s historical highway Route 60 and “tells a story of a shared history and future and speaks to audiences of many faiths,” Smith says.

There’s also kids’ content, including Danny Go! and Three Little Words.

“TBN is the destination for faith-based entertainment for the global market,” Smith adds.