MIPCOM Schedule Reminder: CBS’s David Stapf & Armando Nuñez


CANNES: Be sure not to miss the Media Mastermind Keynotes from CBS Television Studios' David Stapf and CBS Global Distribution Group's Armando Nuñez, moderated by World Screen's Anna Carugati, tomorrow in the Grand Auditorium at 4:20 p.m.

Nuñez is the president and CEO of CBS Global Distribution Group. Stapf is the president of CBS Television Studios. The two execs have more than five decades of television production and international TV distribution experience between them. The pair will tackle topics including the rise of event series programming, new relationships with digital distribution partners, CBS's year-round programming strategy and the global appetite for CBS and Showtime content.

The session takes place 4:20 to 5 p.m. in the Grand Auditorium in the Palais.