Mega Media in Indonesian Film Financing Venture

SINGAPORE, November 29: Singaporean production outfit Mega
Media has entered into an agreement with Omnicron Media Kreasi from Indonesia
to launch a film financing fund that aims to support five projects per year for
the next two years.

The features will be shot in Indonesia, with post-production
to be handled in Singapore. Each high-definition film will be provided
$300,000. International distribution will be handled by Mega Media’s sister
company, Six-Six-Eight.

According to Jonathan Foo, Mega Media’s managing director,
the Singapore-Indonesia Digital Film Fund marks the company’s reentry into the
feature film industry, after several years of focusing on its television
projects. Foo said at a press conference at the Asia TV Forum in Singapore
today that Indonesia is the ideal location for the venture. “There’s a huge
audience in Indonesia,” he said, “and with the locations, the scenery, the
people [in Jakarta], there are so many stories to tell.”

Mega Media also today announced a deal with the subtitling
and dubbing services provider SDI Media. The partnership will bring the mixing
components of the Asian language versions of Hollywood movies to Mega Media’s
Dolby Digital Mixing Stage in Singapore.