MarVista Presenting New Thrillers at NATPE

LOS ANGELES, December 18:
Headlining MarVista Entertainment's slate for NATPE are the thrillers Reflections, Special Delivery and The Watch, as well as a diverse lineup of family movies, comedies and animated

Reflections stars Academy Award-winning actor Timothy Hutton as
Europol agent Tom Brindle, who is called to Spain to track down a notorious
serial killer. The killer soon begins to stalk the investigation time, and
Brindle must risk everything he holds dear to catch the criminal.

Special Delivery, starring Lisa Edelstein, is centered on a bonded
courier working in the Pacific Rim whose current delivery is the daughter of
one of China's wealthiest businessmen. She soon discovers that his daughter may
not be the only thing the businessman had hoped to smuggle into America.

In the suspenseful
thriller The Watch, Clea Du
Vall stars as a psychology student who struggles with the trauma of her
childhood kidnapping. She is now ready to face her fears and move on from this
life of constant worry.

The family film Cop Dog
follows a police dog named Marlowe
as he teams up to investigate the mysterious death of his old partner. Resurrection
is a supernatural thriller
about a 17-year-old who nearly runs down a beautiful and mysterious young girl
who was walking alone by Resurrection Cemetery. In the action/thriller Hidden
, a maverick reporter
launches an investigation into the mysterious death of his Pulitzer
Prize-winning brother. Meanwhile, the action/disaster film NYC: Tornado
takes place in New York
City at a time when accelerated global warming has unleashed a giant jet-stream
vortex centered over Manhattan.

Also on offer is the
romantic drama Girl's Best Friend.
It follows a cynical music critic who gets stuck on a cross-country road trip
with her mother's lapdog Binky and learns to not only love the dog but to find
room in her heart for her suburbanite sister and her patient boyfriend. Behind
the Wall
, an action/thriller, is
set 20 years after a girl discovers her mother brutally murdered and has her
father arrested and convicted for the killing. She then must return to her old
home to confront the evil within. In the dramatic thriller Deadly Pledge, Gossip Girl's Leighton Meester plays a college freshman who suspects there is
something sinister about the prestigious sorority she pledges. American Idol's Justin Guarini stars in the romantic feature Fast
, about a young woman from a
small town whose goal is to follow in the footsteps of her late father and
become a professional racecar driver.

In Trouble with Dee Dee, a
man on the brink of retirement plans to make an upstanding woman of his
undisciplined daughter, Dee Dee, ultimately driving each other to figuring out
what it is he really wants. Also on offer is The Secret of the Nutcracker, adapted from E.T.A. Hoffmann's classic novel.

Two animated features and
an educational children's program are also on MarVista's slate. The Zula
Patrol: Animal Adventures in Space: The Movie
follows the ecological adventures of the Zula Patrol, while The
Hidden Treasure of Wompkee Wood
centered on the littlest Wompkee, Twig, and her band of brave friends. The
animated, educational kids' series BJ’s Teddy Bear Club & Bible Stories presents a Bible story and a lullaby that's
related to the theme of the story, as well as letters from the alphabet, colors
and numbers.

"MarVista is pleased
to offer a strong slate for the buyers at the 2009 NATPE Market and Conference
to choose from," said Fernando Szew, the CEO of MarVista Entertainment. "Our diverse portfolio
signifies the growth and expansion of our company as we enter our fifth year
and further establishes us as a provider of premier entertainment programming.
We're confident we will bring to the market a package of quality programming
that will delight and entertain different key demographics programmers and
advertisers are looking to attract."

—By Kristin