LMNO in Deal for Bilingual Lifestyle Programming

LOS ANGELES, November 10: LMNO Productions has entered into
an exclusive partnership with Chef LaLa and Sliced Up Entertainment to create
Spanish- and English-language lifestyle shows, beginning with a daytime series
called U’ LaLa.

Chef LaLa is best known for her health-conscious approach to
Latin cuisine. She has made numerous television and radio appearances and is
the author of the cookbook Latin Lover Lite.

“Chef LaLa has what it takes to be a successful daytime
host,” stated Eric Schotz, the president and CEO of LMNO Productions. “She is
funny, compelling and smart about her business and has that rare combination
that crosses over between English and Spanish speaking audiences. We are
thrilled to be working with her.”

The first show to come out of the alliance will be U’
, a daytime series intended to attract
a culturally diverse audience.