HBO Max Greenlights British Royals Animated Comedy Series

The Prince, an animated comedy series centered on the British royal family, has been greenlit by HBO Max.

Created by Gary Janetti (Family Guy, Will & Grace), the series is inspired by Janetti’s Instagram account, known for satirizing the British royals through the eyes of Prince George. Janetti will voice Prince George in the series, which will feature Orlando Bloom as Prince Harry, Condola Rashad as Meghan Markle, Lucy Punch as Kate Middleton, Tom Hollander as both Prince Philip and Prince Charles, Alan Cumming as George’s butler Owen, Frances De La Tour as Queen Elizabeth and Iwan Rheon as Prince William.

The Prince will follow Prince George of Cambridge, the youngest heir to the British throne, as he navigates the trials and tribulations of being a royal child. In each episode, George will find his path in life as a young prince in modern times. The series is written and executive produced by Janetti and produced by 20th Century Fox Television.

Sarah Aubrey, head of original content at HBO Max, said: “We’re so excited to bring the world Gary’s created on Instagram over to HBO Max, where our viewers can discover what his Instagram fans already know—that George can be hilarious, shocking and surprisingly sweet. We can’t wait to see what Gary does with a bigger canvas to paint on than just a 1:1 square.”

Janetti added: “I’m thrilled to be working at HBO Max and bringing them yet another series about a family ruthlessly fighting for the throne.”