Google Sites Lead U.S. Online Viewing

RESTON: Twenty-eight billion videos were viewed online during the month of October by more than 167 million U.S.-based web users, according to ComScore, with Google sites accounting for 38 percent of all videos viewed online.

Videos watched on YouTube accounted for 99 percent of those videos for Google sites. In a distant second was Hulu, which delivered 856 million videos, accounting for 3.1 percent of the market and setting a new record for monthly views. Microsoft came in third, with 451 million videos viewed on its site, capturing a 1.6-percent market share.

The average viewer watched 167 videos during the month. Google sites drew in 126 million unique viewers. Fox Interactive Media notched up 53 million unique viewers. Yahoo! sites attracted 50 million viewers. The average Hulu user watched 20.1 videos on the site during October, representing another all-time high for the site.