Good Food Orders New Rachel Allen Series

EDINBURGH: UKTV has commissioned Cactus TV to produce another series for Good Food that features Rachel Allen, as part of its ongoing talent deal with the Irish chef.

Allen is currently a presenter on Good Food’s daily seasonal-food show Market Kitchen, as well as the star of the channel’s successful commission Rachel Allen: Bake! The new 13×30-minute series, Rachel Allen: Home Cooking, will be co-produced with RTÉ in Ireland. The show will debut September 21 on Good Food, taking a daily slot at 9 p.m. Rachel Allen: Home Cooking will center on the preparation of family food. Viewers will learn how to cook snacks, appetizers, roasts and puddings, among other dishes that are appropriate for family-style home cooking.

UKTV’s director of entertainment commissioning, Lisa Perrin, said, “We are thrilled to cement our ongoing relationship with Rachel on our Good Food channel and website with this fantastic new commission from Cactus. This new series will pick up where Rachel’s first left off—inspiring viewers to enjoy themselves in the kitchen, to rediscover the pleasure of tasty, nutritious home-cooked food, and to cook and eat together.”

The deputy head of acquisitions at RTÉ in Ireland, Brian Walsh, added, “As the TV company which first discovered Rachel’s broadcasting talents, we are delighted that her talent is now being exposed to a much larger audience in the U.K. The economic downturn in both the U.K. and Ireland has forced people back into the kitchen and Rachel’s recipes will hopefully lead to more healthy, freshly cooked meals eaten by the whole family.”

Cactus TV’s managing director, Amanda Ross, commented, “Rachel is a great talent, and we’re delighted to have made another great series with her.”

Good Food’s channel head, Richard Kingsbury, said, "Rachel Allen is a rising star and her Bake! series was our most popular commission last year. Rachel’s natural talent for sharing her cooking skills and knowledge combined with the fact that she is a busy mum made this an attractive idea."