Globo Secures EURO 2012 Rights

NYON/SÃO PAULO: TV Globo has secured the exclusive Brazilian broadcasting rights to UEFA EURO 2012, covering free- and pay-TV coverage.

The agreement covers the live broadcasts of 23 matches and daily highlights on TV Bandeirantes and Globo TV. In addition, all 31 matches will be broadcast live on the pay-TV channel Sport TV. Daily highlights, reruns of the matches, magazine shows and other supporting content will also be featured on Sport TV. The Globo deal also covers online and mobile rights.

"UEFA is delighted to enter into a partnership with Globo TV, which is the leading broadcaster in Brazil," said David Taylor, the CEO of UEFA Events. "UEFA, together with Globo TV, is looking forward to providing a unique viewing experience to football fans in Brazil by offering extensive coverage of the tournament."