Gearing Up for NATPE Miami?

World Screen has made a host of resources available so that you can make the most out of your time in Miami, including a printable version of TV Listings, a map of exhibitors at the Fontainebleau and the World Screen app, which includes a link to our Twitter feed, delivering constant updates on the latest news coming out of the market.

The World Screen app for NATPE includes TV Listings, which has information on hundreds of new titles, as well as news, a photo blog, links to our digital editions, videos, details on and restaurants, a conference schedule, a directory of stand and suite numbers, and more.

iPhone and iPad users can download the app from the iTunes App Store. Android users can get the app from the Google Play Store.

Have the app already? Just open it up on your device and it will update automatically with all of our new content for NATPE.

And before you head to Miami, don’t forget to read our digital editions and screen clips of new shows on or