Five Acquires Rights to New David Duchovny Comedy

LONDON, May 23: In a deal with CBS Paramount International
Television, Five has acquired the exclusive terrestrial and digital rights to Californication, a new comedic drama series for Showtime starring
David Duchovny.

Five has not announced a broadcast date for the series. Californication
is scheduled to air on the U.S. premium
network Showtime in August. In the new 12-episode series, Duchovny plays Hank
Moody, a troubled novelist whose honesty and self-destructive behavior are
simultaneously destroying and enriching his career, as well as the
relationships with his ex-wife Karen, played by British actress Natascha
McElhone, and 13-year-old daughter Becca, played by Madeleine Martin.

Vanessa Brookman, Five’s controller of acquisitions,
commented: “I'm delighted that Five has acquired the rights to what is easily
one of the most distinctive pilots I've seen. Californication is witty, sexy and original. It is a perfect fit for
Five’s family of channels.”

Other award-winning U.S. imports across Five’s family of
channels include Prison Break, the CSI franchise; the Law & Order franchise; NCIS; The Shield; House; Grey’s Anatomy; Shark and