Dan Fawcett Joins Fox Entertainment Group for Digital Media Role

LOS ANGELES, March 8: DIRECTV executive Dan Fawcett has been
appointed president of digital media for Fox Entertainment Group (FEG),
effective immediately.

In his new role, Fawcett will further the growth and
evolution of the company’s digital media strategy, including exploiting Fox
content across all digital platforms, pursuing long-term tactical initiatives
with major technology players and developing additional revenue streams for Fox

Fawcett returns to Fox after spending the last three years
as EVP of programming and business and legal affairs for DIRECTV, prior to
which he was VP of business and legal affairs for Fox Cable Networks.

Fox Digital Media (FDM) manages digital media strategy for
all Fox content. In the past year, the group negotiated the digital revenue
sharing agreement with Fox affiliates and also led the FOX on Demand effort,
which brought prime-time series to the Internet on an ad-supported basis
through MySpace.com and the MyFoxLocal web sites. Additionally, the group
developed VOD and electronic sell-through deals for film and television
product, including deals with iTunes, Amazon, BitTorrent, AOL, MSN, MovieLink
and CinemaNow.