Content 360 Issues Call for Entries

PARIS, January 8: MIPTV is now
taking entries for Content 360, its competition for mobile and broadband
content held in concert with the BBC, the Korean Broadcasting Commission (KBC),
the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) and a new partner, WPP's OgilvyOne

Content 360 was launched last
year, seeking innovative, interactive content and applications for mobile and
broadband. The winners of the competition share 100,000 euros in development

Content 360 entrants have until
February 9 to respond to written briefs provided across various categories,
each of which has its own specific criteria as established by the event
partners. They are Cross-Media Brand Marketing (OgilvyOne Worldwide),
Children's Content (BBC), Cross-Platform Documentary (BBC), Localness on (BBC), On-Demand Participation (BBC), Teenage Drama &
Entertainment (BBC), Cross-Platform Formats including DMB (KBC) and Innovative
New Forms of Socially Responsive Media (NFB).

Finalists will promote their projects during a series of
pitching sessions. Winners will be announced on April 19, during "The
Content 360 Zapping Show."