Canwest Greenlights Comedy Pilot

TORONTO: Canwest has greenlit a half-hour pilot from Gemini Award-winning Canadian comedian Mary Walsh and Shaftesbury Films’ Christina Jennings.

Rise Up, created by Walsh, focuses on Siouxie Power, an ex-punk rocker from Newfoundland who wins the lottery and moves her family—husband Spook Sparks, troubled teenage kids and a friendly dog—into a wealthy neighborhood. "When we read the script for Rise Up, we knew we had to bring to life the amazing characters, hilarious story line and creative vision," said Christine Shipton, the senior VP of dramatic and factual content at Canwest Broadcasting. "The combination of Mary’s comedic bravado and Shaftesbury’s creative energy is going to create something really special and—without a doubt—devastatingly funny."

Casting, directing and additional production development announcements will be made shortly.