Asian Pan-Regionals Team for Ad Initiative

HONG KONG: A new initiative from the Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia (CASBAA) sees several pan-Asian cable and satellite outlets teaming to promote the effectiveness of regional networks as an ad medium during the downturn.

According to CASBAA, this is the first time that Asia’s pan-regionals have presented a single voice to clients and agencies on the benefits of the medium. As part of the effort, key regional media planners are working with CASBAA’s adverting team to develop a strategy for regional TV services. The initiative also includes the Pan Asian Regional TV Sourcebook, published at the end of May and supported by an online presence and a website providing advertisers and agencies with essential marketing information and media kits. Major stakeholders in the project are CNN and Cartoon Network, Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific, Sony Entertainment Television, National Geographic Channel and FOX Networks, STAR, BBC Global Channels, CNBC Asia, Bloomberg Television and Australia Network.

“The year 2009 will be a tough year for the region‘s marketing industry," said Julie Petersen, CASBAA’s advertising consultant. “ Planners are already focused on maximizing reach and share of voice by utilizing the tried and tested medium of TV. This is a time of great opportunity as well as challenge.”