ABS-CBS To Launch Music Lifestyle Network for Asian Americans

REDWOOD SHORES, October 31: ABS-CBN Global, a subsidiary of
the Philippines’ ABS-CBN Broadcasting, is gearing up to launch MYX, a music and
lifestyle television channel for the Asian American youth and young adult
market, in the U.S.

MYX is already a leading music channel in the Philippines.
The channel is slated to begin its U.S. rollout in December. It will cover
music from across the region, interspersed with hits from Europe and the U.S.
"MYX fills a giant void in television and addresses a cultural reality
that Americans listen to more than just pop, hip-hop, and rock music produced
in the U.S.," said Raffy Lopez, the managing director of ABS-CBNi.
"Ultimately, MYX will cultivate a new marketplace for music and
entertainment, fashion and style, for trendsetting youth and young