New Hollywood Comedy Outfit in the Mix

HOLLYWOOD: With nine comedy sketches already released online, and another 20 in preproduction, the entertainment outfit The Casual Mafia is comprised of a team of writers, directors, producers and executives, aimed at creating next-generation comedic content.

Officially launched April 6, the group of comedians have secured more than 10,000 YouTube hits in 48 hours, a radio spot on Little Rock’s Corey and Jay Show and buzz on blogs worldwide, including in countries such as Chile, Germany and Iraq. The team has already released nine comedy sketches, including Obama: Drunk! The Douchebag Anthem and SAW: The Game Show. The Casual Mafia has 15 more sketches and music videos slated for rollout in the next few months, and a further 20 in preproduction.

Paulie Fiore and Josh Macuga are the creators and executive producers of The Casual Mafia. "The idea and brand was conceived some two and half years ago," explained Fiore. "We wanted to create a new comedy image, combining the elements of sexy and funny."

The executives scheduled a strategic launch coinciding with the college-centric website, where Casual Mafia videos reach more than 60 college campuses nationwide. “When The Casual Mafia approached us to launch their new comedy brand we thought it was a no brainer, seeing that their target demographic is essentially the college-aged individuals,” commented Boris Revsin, CampusLIVE’s co-founder and COO.