Canadian, Latin American Slots for Beyond

SYDNEY: Beyond Distribution has clinched new deals in the Americas, including licensing several titles to Discovery Networks Latin America.

Discovery Networks Latin America, which previously picked up Beyond titles such as In Style Celebrity Weddings 2007, Milly Molly and Medical Incredible, is on board for the 2×1-hour Discovery U.S. series When Surgical Tools Get Left Behind and the third season of the 9×1-hour Lonely Planet Six Degrees. Also in the region,  MTV Latin America scored the four-part Sex: The Revolution. And in the U.S., Showtime Networks acquired Bronx Dream, a one-hour special on the introduction of Irish dancing into the South Bronx. In Canada, meanwhile, CTV Comedy Network took the reality series The Cho Show and Rogers Broadcasting scored three seasons of Lonely Planet Six Degrees.

Announcing the deals, Sherry Fynbo, the VP of sales for North America, stated: "Our catalogue is going from strength to strength and we continue to satisfy some of the most high profile U.S. and Latin America cable channels with our content, which is consistent and delivers ratings."