Select Stephen J. Cannell Programs Available on iTunes

April 29: A selection of programs from the Stephen J. Cannell catalogue,
including 21 Jump Street and Silk
, are now available on

Stephen J. Cannell
Productions teamed up with New Video to bring digital versions of these classic
series to the iTunes Store. Shows available include 21 Jump Street, The Greatest American Hero, Hunter, Wiseguy and Silk
, with The Commish and Renegade to be available in the coming months.

"I'm very pleased to
be working with New Video and having some of our most popular television
series, available for the first time, to the many millions of iTunes
customers," commented Stephen J. Cannell, the chairman of the board and
owner of Stephen J. Cannell Productions. "I'm hoping that these series,
that originally aired in the ’80s and ’90s, prove to be as entertaining online
and on portable devices as they were when first broadcast on network

"Programs such as 21
Jump Street
and The Commish are American television favorites," said
Patricia Keim, New Video's VP of marketing. "This exciting partnership
between New Video and Cannell Studios makes this fantastic group of classic
programming available to a whole new generation of fans on iTunes."

—By Kristin