Virgin1 Scores Human-Interest Docs from Off the Fence

LONDON, January 18: The Virgin Media Television-owned
entertainment channel Virgin1 has acquired two documentaries from Off the Fence
for its new Extraordinary Humans
documentary strand.

In February, Virgin1 will premiere Extraordinary Humans:
, which explores the bodies of some
people who fall into the weight class known as morbidly obese. Using high-tech
animation, the program investigates these individual’s internal mechanics and unusual

Extraordinary Humans: Dwarfism uses computer animation to go inside the bodies of
dwarfs, exploring the secrets of their unique design to see what makes these
humans truly extraordinary.

Amy Barham, the head of acquisitions at Virgin1, commented:
“With Extraordinary Humans we’re
offering our viewers a chance to understand their bodies and the bodies of
others, in a way that is both fresh and informative.”

Bo Stehmeier, the head of sales and co-productions for Off
the Fence, added: “We are delighted to be working Virgin1’s new year prime-time
lineup and to support them in making their mark in the U.K.’s competitive
Freeview market.”

—By Kristin Brzoznowski