SevenOne International Reports Successful MIPTV

MUNICH, April 24: SevenOne International is reporting a
successful outing to MIPTV last week, notching up deals on formats like Beat
Your Host!
and big-budget event programming
such as Raging Inferno and The
Hunt for Troy

Jens Richter, the company’s managing director, commented:
“This year’s trade show in Cannes has demonstrated that fictional highlights
from ProSiebenSat.1 Group are in demand all over the world. Event fiction like Raging
or Treasure Island convince an international audience because of their
progressive look and modern storytelling. This way also classic novels become
popular again with a young target group.”

The Hunt for Troy has
clocked up new deals in Spain, Turkey, Greece, Hungary and French-speaking
Canada. Raging Inferno has been sold to Spain, the Netherlands,
Russia, Hungary, Turkey and Greece. ProSieben’s event mini-series Treasure
is currently in production and has
already been pre-sold to TV stations in France, Spain, the Netherlands,
Hungary, Romania and Japan. Special Unit, the Sat.1
action series, is headed to France and Russia.

Programming packages containing TV movies and series like Dream
and 29… and still a Virgin were acquired by broadcasters in Italy, France, the
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Russia, China and the
French-speaking territories in Belgium, Canada and Switzerland.

Beat Your Host! has
been sold to Warner Bros. in the U.S. as well as to Spain, France, Belgium and
Romania. Also on the format end, Schiller Street launched successfully in Italy and picked up new
deals in Greece and Romania last week. Galileo has been sold to the Netherlands, Romania, Sweden,
Denmark and Norway, and The Successor generated considerable interest at the market.