Nielsen: Viewers Logged 143 Hours of TV Per Month in Q2


NEW YORK: Nielsen’s latest State of the Media: TV Usage Trends report revealed that television viewing in the U.S. remains at a high, yet the emergence of the DVR as a widely distributed device has changed consumption habits in many homes.

In the second quarter of 2010, the average person clocked more than 143 hours of television per month. This is essentially flat on the same period last year. The lowest overall viewing is done by teens, with viewing increasing in each older age bracket. Women continue to watch more TV than men, accounting for 54 percent of all TV viewing consumed by that demo.

DVR is playing an increasingly significant role in viewers’ habits. The average person living in a DVR home watched 24.5 hours of DVR playback this period. The age group that watched the most TV by DVR playback was the 25-to-34 set, which clocked 29.5 hours of DVR playback per month.