Five Looks to Drive Online Revenues

LONDON: As part of its efforts to diversify its revenues beyond TV advertising, Five is launching a new online weekday bingo program to drive awareness of and traffic to a range of Internet gaming services operated by the British broadcaster.

In August, Five launched branded bingo and casino e-gaming services after signing a strategic agreement with PartyGaming. The hour-long FreeBingo Show, airing weekdays at 11 a.m. at, aims to drive traffic to Five’s suite of online gaming services. In the FreeBingo Show, viewers can play for cash prizes. It is promoted daily on Five’s main TV channel and website.

Jonathan Lewis, Five’s head of digital media, said: “The business model that underpins commercial TV is changing and broadcasters must diversify their revenue streams. Gaming activities such as Five’s online bingo and casino services are just one such example of how broadcasters can broaden their revenue base beyond traditional sources.”

Since the liberalization of the U.K.’s teleshopping, Five has already agreed to carry NetPlay TV’s interactive TV casino product,, in its overnight teleshopping window.