Your Family Entertainment

Christina Brenner
Head, Sales & Marketing

What are your properties from MIPCOM?


Oscar The Balloonist, Dragon Hunters, Air Bud, Enid Blyton and Fix & Foxi

Why will these programs appeal to buyers?
YFE is committed to providing original quality content for the whole family including the impressive brand new HD cartoon series Oscar The Balloonist, predestined to be another runaway hit across the world.
We enjoy the tremendous success of Dragon Hunters, Air Bud and of our classics such as Enid Blyton, Fix & Foxi and Philipp.
Our expert-driven research makes us acquire and produce fresh, educational and non-violent entertaining programs that parents trust and kids enjoy. With a track record of over 28 years YFE continues to maintain and grow its reputation for delivering world-class entertainment for the whole family.

What are some of the trends you’re currently seeing in this market?


We see a growing demand for entertaining, non-violent and educational programs. This confirms YFE’s main focus and strengthens our position in the market place.
We are proud to announce that Your Family Entertainment AG was most recently analyzed by Invera Investment Ethics Research  & Advisory AG, Switzerland. Invera AG is an independent company, which is specializing in ethical and sustainability analyses. Within their analysis, YFE in Toto was rated “ethical”. Quotation: ”We are very glad about the multifaceted features of YFE which are perceived positively in terms of sustainability and ethics. That is why we consider the company’s inclusion to the ‘INVERA-Ethik-Anlageuniversum’ as adequate with an overall rating ‘ethically positive’“.

What are your goals and expectations for MIPCOM?


The YFE offer consists of more than 3.500 half hours of content continuously distributed to 235 territories worldwide. Our main criteria are to deliver top quality of international appeal programs. Our goal and expectations at MIPCOM are to continue our magnificent expansion that enhances the satisfaction of our customers.
We want to expand our customer base in emerging markets such as Central Europe, China, India, South America and Middle East. Telecoms and Video on Demand platforms and also independent DVD labels are of our interest. We currently offer a portfolio of more than 100 DVDs with existing cover designs and authorings with bonus material.