Wildlife Footage from New BBC Film Available on Bebo

LONDON, November 16:
Subscribers to the youth social networking site Bebo are now able to access
clips, trailers and other content based on the new natural history feature film
Earth, from BBC Worldwide and
Greenlight Media.

Earth has been released at cinemas throughout the U.K.
The film has already been marketed to a broader audience via Loveearth.com.
Preview clips, blogs and exclusive profile skins based on the film will be available
on Bebo.

“Our role within the Earth project is to get the conservation messages of the
film out to as wide an audience as possible,” said Amanda Hill, head of Project
Earth at BBC Worldwide. “We are proud of the work we have already done on the
Loveearth.com site but were also excited by the chance to add our content to
Bebo as we appreciate the need to talk to the youth audience within their own
environment. Hopefully watching a humpback whale care for her calf on their
migration or experiencing the range of wonders our planet has to offer in
stunning HD footage will create a sense of pride and conservation within.”

—By Irene Lew