Warner Home Video Announces Total HD Disc

BURBANK, January 10: Warner Home Video has unveiled its
“Total Hi Def” disc, which plays the HD DVD format on one side and the Blu-ray
Disc format on the other.

The disc was presented at the Consumer Electronics Show in
Las Vegas by Warner Bros. Entertainment’s chairman and CEO, Barry Meyer.
“Warner Bros. has a history of embracing and promoting new technologies, from
producing the first sound movies to being early pioneers in 1950s television to
the creation and proliferation of DVDs,” Meyer said. “We understand the
benefits to our business—and to consumers—that technology affords

“The Total Hi Def disc is about giving consumers complete
choice, providing creators and artists the greatest possible distribution of
their work, and helping retailers thrive in the marketplace,” added Kevin
Tsujihara, the president of Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group. “By
eliminating potential apprehension over formats, we believe this new disc could
help consumers fully embrace the greatest home entertainment experience

Warner Bros. announced that discs in Total Hi Def would be
available towards the second half of the year. Titles will be announced at a
later date.