Warner Bros. Takes Blu-ray Route

BURBANK, January 7: Warner Bros. Entertainment has said that
it will begin releasing its high-definition DVD titles exclusively in the
Sony-backed Blu-ray format later this year, delivering a blow to Toshiba’s HD
DVD technology.

Announcing the move, the studio said the shift to Blu-ray
was in response to consumer demand. Barry Meyer, the chairman and CEO of Warner
Bros., noted: “Warner Bros.’ move to exclusively release in the Blu-ray disc
format is a strategic decision focused on the long term and the most direct way
to give consumers what they want. The window of opportunity for high-definition
DVD could be missed if format confusion continues to linger. We believe that
exclusively distributing in Blu-ray will further the potential for mass market
success and ultimately benefit retailers, producers, and most importantly,

Warner Home Video will cease releasing HD DVD discs in May.
The studio has been supporting both formats since it began releasing
high-definition DVDs. “Warner Bros. has produced in both high-definition
formats in an effort to provide consumer choice, foster mainstream adoption and
drive down hardware prices,” said Jeff
Bewkes, the new president and CEO of Time Warner. “Today’s decision by
Warner Bros. to distribute in a single format comes at the right time and is
the best decision both for consumers and Time Warner.”

The companies of the HD DVD Promotional Group said in
response to the Warner Bros. decision: “While Warner’s decision is a setback
for HD DVD, the consumer has benefited from HD DVD’s commitment to quality and
affordability—a bar that is critical for the mainstream success of any
format. We believe widespread adoption of a next generation format will
ultimately be determined by the consumer.”

HD DVD gained ground last summer when Paramount Pictures and
DreamWorks Animation pledged to exclusively back the format. However, the
number of Hollywood studios who are Blu-ray supporters, which include Fox,
Sony, Disney and now Warner Bros., still outnumber those in the HD DVD camp.

The HD DVD Promotional Group said at the Consumer
Electronics Show in Las Vegas that the sales of its players in North America
have almost reached the 1-million mark. There are currently more than 400 HD
DVD titles available in the U.S. and more than 1,000 titles available
worldwide. The format is supported by 65 studios and distributors worldwide.

—By Mansha Daswani