VisionTV Seeks Pitches for Comedy-Drama

TORONTO: Canadian multifaith and multicultural broadcaster VisionTV is seeking proposals from Canadian independent producers for an original dramedy series to launch in the fall of 2010.

The deadline for pitches is June 15. The broadcaster is seeking out a run of between six and 13 episodes, with a show that reflects Canada’s cultural diversity and will speak to the core demo of women 50-plus. The show should also have a web-based interactive component that includes online streaming. The proposed budget range is C$200,000 to C$300,000 per episode. 

"We are eager to receive proposals from all regions of the country," said Mark Prasuhn, COO for VisionTV’s parent company S-VOX. "Although we are a small and independent broadcaster, we have a long track record of working collaboratively with independent producers from across Canada. We are deeply committed to supporting unique, original comedy and drama that speaks to the lives and experiences of our viewers, and that will add to the diversity of programming choices available on Canadian television."

VisionTV’s first venture into original Canadian drama production, SOUL, premiered in February 2009. The six-part series was produced by Halifax Film. "The experience of developing SOUL deepened our appreciation for the wealth of independent production talent in this country, and proved to us that it is possible to create high-quality Canadian drama programming on a modest budget," noted Joan Jenkinson, the director of independent production at S-VOX. "We are excited about this new initiative and look forward to receiving some innovative and imaginative submissions."