Video Interview: Talk Show Legend Larry King

NEW YORK: The legendary interviewer Larry King, who is currently hosting Larry King Now on Ora TV, talks to World Screen about his career, embracing technology and the art of interviewing.


The name Larry King has become synonymous with interviews. In a career spanning six decades, King has talked with countless politicians, heads of state, athletes, actors, authors, journalists and celebrities of all kinds.
From a very young age, King knew he wanted to work in radio, which during his childhood was the dominant medium for news and entertainment. He got his break in Florida in 1957 and quickly showed a particular skill for interviewing everyone and anyone, from ordinary people to the rich and famous. It wasn’t long before he was hosting a national radio show and then made the switch to the next dominant medium, television.
In 1985, he joined CNN and in his Larry King Live show he consolidated his signature format: interviewing people in the news while taking questions from callers around the world.
After 25 years at CNN, King left the news channel but he did not abandon his lifelong passion for interviewing. His new show, Larry King Now, which is represented internationally by Content Television, can be seen on what is quickly becoming today’s dominant medium, the Internet. The show is available on Ora TV, an on-demand, digital television network, co-founded by King and Carlos Slim, the Mexican billionaire, telecommunications entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist. Larry King Now is also available on Hulu and Hulu Plus.