Video Interview: Cyma Zarghami

NEW YORK: In this video interview, Cyma Zarghami, the president of Nickelodeon/MTVN Kids and Family Group, talks about writing Nickelodeon’s next chapter, one that includes new genres and partnerships.


Under the leadership of Zarghami, Nickelodeon has become a leading destination for young viewers around the world. With original animation, live action and a wealth of activities, games and information on its websites, and, the service has established a strong connection to kids in the U.S. and around the world in its first 30 years.

Strengthening this connection, Nickelodeon has made it a point to reach children on multiple screens. "Multiplatform is really important and children are everywhere that you can imagine," says Zarghami. "Great content is at the heart of this. If you don’t have great content, it doesn’t matter what you do on the platforms, children aren’t going to connect with it…. We try to make sure that the content they love is finding its way onto all of the platforms, rather than try to figure out what to do with the platforms."