UTV Suspends Business in Pakistan

MUMBAI, December 23: UTV Software Communications has halted
plans to launch its Bindaas and Bindaas Movies channels in Pakistan, and will
cease releasing its movies in the territory, in the wake of the Mumbai attacks
and India's increasingly strained relations with its neighbor.

In a statement, UTV said it was withdrawing its Pakistani
dealings "in an endeavor to support the Indian government in demanding
stricter action against terrorism emanating from Pakistan."

No UTV movies will be released in Pakistan until "this
issue is satisfactorily resolved," the company said. UTV has also
withdrawn its plans to expand the Bindaas and Bindaas Movies channels into

"Pakistan is an important market and we have the
highest regard for its people, but in the present situation it is important for
all companies to support our government in its demand for strong action by the
government of Pakistan against terrorism," said Siddharth Roy Kapur, the
CEO of UTV Motion Pictures. "We would be happy to resume business in
Pakistan once we all see affirmative action. We have so far had a wonderful
relationship with our distributors there and it is unfortunate that these
events have come to pass and we hope that this matter is resolved between the
two governments at the earliest."

—By Mansha Daswani