Universal Rolls Out New Division

LOS ANGELES: Universal Pictures is combining its retail-focused Consumer Products Group with the division known as Universal Studios Partnerships (USP) in a move to enhance brand management and promotional partnership efforts.

The new division, Universal Partnerships and Licensing (UP&L), will have combined oversight of all Universal’s consumer-product licensing, film and home-entertainment promotions and corporate alliances for the studio’s theatrical, home entertainment, theme parks and stage productions. Stephanie Sperber, who currently heads up USP, will run the new division under the title of executive VP of Universal Partnerships and Licensing.

Under the new organization, the senior VP, Amy Taylor, will oversee UP&L’s North American promotions, worldwide licensing and retail development. David O’Connor, the senior VP of brand management and marketing services for Universal Pictures, will also oversee marketing for UP&L, reporting to both Sperber and Universal Pictures’ president of marketing and distribution, Adam Fogelson. Stephanie Testa, the VP of corporate partnerships, will head UP&L’s corporate alliances practice, which oversees long-term partnerships for Universal’s film, home entertainment, theme park and stage production business units. She is responsible for the acquisition of new brand partners as well as managing relationships with the existing partners.