Video Interview with Nelson Serrano: I’m Innocent’s Jeanette Hinostroza

NEW YORK: Ecuadorian journalist and filmmaker Jeanette Hinostroza talks to TV Real about the documentary Nelson Serrano: I’m Innocent, as well as her quest to find justice and balance the need to both entertain and inform.

Riding high on the true-crime wave, GRB Entertainment recently introduced to the market the documentary Nelson Serrano: I’m Innocent. Behind the film is Hinostroza, who has been working to uncover the truth behind the incarceration of Nelson Serrano, an Ecuadorian businessman who is currently on death row in the U.S. According to Hinostroza, Serrano was illegally taken from his home in Ecuador to face trial in Florida, where he was convicted of murdering four people despite an apparent lack of evidence.