MIPCOM Spotlight: Green Gold Animation

In the comedic adventure series Kalari Kids, from Green Gold Animation’s slate, Beenu and Raaka’s teams face new challenges every day in a mystical jungle.

Slapstick comedy is featured in Jungle Trouble, in which four carefree and primitive beasts face off against a greedy, high-tech penguin and his thuggish rhino sidekick. And in Duchess, high fashion meets psychedelic, fast-paced spy adventures.

Kalari Kids has its own distinct script style, and the production has a touch of Indian soulfulness with a global appeal,” says Rajiv Chilaka, the founder and CEO of Green Gold Animation. “Jungle Trouble is a typical slapstick comedy for the global market, putting the modern world in contrast with nature. Duchess is thriving on the excitement of the jet-set life, combined with fashion and adventure.”

He adds: “Cartoons from India are reminiscent of the beauty, sophistication and stylization of the [country’s] traditional art and paintings.”