Inanimatti to Debut First Animated IP

Inanimatti is set to debut its inaugural animated IP, Arky Arch Adventures, at MIPJunior and MIPCOM 2023.

The comedy-adventure series follows the story of Arky, a hopeful, young and different Roman arch who embarks on a high-stakes journey across the planet Tredi. He seeks to uncover his true purpose and save the world from devastation.

Inanimatti, a new production company, was co-founded by car designer Chris Bangle. Leading Arky Arch Adventures will be producer Eric S. Rollman, who served as president of Marvel Animation, Saban Entertainment and Fox Family Productions prior to launching Rollman Entertainment in 2010.

Bangle commented: “Our primary objective with Inanimatti is to create a universe of imagination. […] Car designers see the world as full of buildings and things that are alive. We hope to encourage kids to see the world around them in a new and imaginative way, fostering a deeper appreciation for design and creativity, as well as teaching them the importance of accepting diversity and change in others, as well as within themselves.”

Arky Arch Adventures captured my attention from the first image,” added Rollman. “It optimizes the medium of animation through a pioneering series filled with captivating characters, compelling storylines and entertaining adventures. Equally compelling is that it also delivers meaningful themes in a way that kids everywhere will understand and relate to. Chris and his team of co-creators have created a concept that is truly a first in long-form animation, and we look forward to attending MIPJunior to introduce Arky Arch to the world.”