Zinkia Entertainment has inked a master agent deal with Brazil’s Dogs Can Fly Licensing, which has become the local licensing and merchandising agent for Pocoyo.
The agreement gives Dogs Can Fly Licensing exclusive management of the rights for the Pocoyo brand regarding the commercialization of consumer products in categories such as toys, textiles, publishing, childcare, meet-and-greets and more. In addition, Dogs Can Fly Licensing will manage promotional and advertising activities based on the Pocoyo series.
The brand’s Portuguese content has reached more than 1.18 million followers. Pocoyo in Brazil has the highest amount of subscribers of the official Pocoyo YouTube channels, recently having surpassed 1 billion views.
“We are truly satisfied with the evolution Pocoyo has experienced in Brazil and especially with its penetration in digital platforms,” said Alberto Delgado, the CEO of Zinkia. “Since 2014, the number of reproductions through YouTube has grown 800 percent, from an average of 4 million monthly views to 40 million last April.”
“Pocoyo is a brand that Brazilian children love, with excellent commercial results and a very loyal audience,” added Zé Henrique Caldas, the VP of licensing and distribution at Dogs Can Fly Licensing. “The brand begins a new stage in the hands of Dogs Can Fly Licensing, with much news and an aggressive development plan that has been received with great expectation by the local market.”