MIPCOM Spotlight: The Story Lab

The Story Lab’s format Evil Monkeys follows unsuspecting celebrities, held captive on a remote island by a group of intelligent (costumed) apes, who face a series of “Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil” challenges to secure their freedom and win loot for charity.

The Story Lab is also presenting Game of Clones, a reality dating format that sees singletons selecting from eight identical suitors. The company is looking to continue sales momentum on the family entertainment show Ninja Warrior as well. The Story Lab, together with Dentsu, has sold Ninja Warrior in multiple European markets.

“Our shows really cut through a very crowded marketplace because of their creative audacity, simplicity and marketable visual DNA, while also delivering pure entertainment,” says Michael Iskas, the company’s global president.

“We are continually looking for creatively daring entertainment ideas that can connect with family and millennial demographics across territories,” says Iskas.