The Story Lab is presenting Phileas Productions’ Don’t Say It Bring It!, a fast-paced urban game show that happens on the city streets.
The contestants are not allowed to say the answer but instead have to find an item that best represents it, “giving the show a hilarious twist,” says Luci Sanan, the format director for The Story Lab Global. All Star Driving School, from Rumpus Media, shows celebs going through the process of trying to get their driver’s license. “It’s funny, heartwarming and relatable,” says Sanan. “The format has a unique daily structure and is cost-effective to produce.” Another highlight is Travel Ink, which comes from Tuvalu Media. “Travel Ink gives the audience a chance to learn about a tattoo artist or culture through the eyes of a tattooed celebrity looking to cover up some more of their superstar skin.”
“The Story Lab brings a range of entertaining formats with a track record to the market that we are ready to innovate with and roll out across the globe,” says Sanan.