NATPE Europe Spotlight: Audiovisual from Spain


PRAGUE: The Audiovisual from Spain umbrella at NATPE Europe is being organized by FAPAE and features the companies Atresmedia Televisión, BRB Internacional, Comercial TV, Imagina International Sales, Mediaset España, Grupo Secuoya and TV3 Televisió de Catalunya.

Comercial TV is presenting the classic Spanish telenovela Bandolera. B&B is a new highlight from Imagina International Sales. Mediaset España is bringing out El Príncipe, and TV3 Televisió de Catalunya has the drama Family Fare to offer. Grupo Secuoya is placing its bets on the entertainment talent show The Shower. In the way of children’s entertainment, there’s Talking Tom & Friends, which BRB Internacional is producing and distributing worldwide.